The POWER of Healthy Aging with the support of an anti-inflammatory diet and activity

 We know that our loyalists are motivated to stay healthy, to stay active and enjoy what different seasons offer year-round.

We  support our loyalists healthy, active lifestyle by encouraging a diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods in addition to your once daily dose of The POWER of Elderberries.

Inflammation is the root cause of majority of illness which can lead to damaging healthy cells, tissues and organs.

Although the physiological process of inflammation is to defend the body and repair tissue, chronic inflammation can lead to diseases such as autoimmune disease, cardiovascular disease, neurological disease and cancer. Arthritis, heart disease, IBS, endometriosis and asthma are commonly thought of with respect to chronic inflammatory disease.

Since inflammation becomes more chronic with age, a healthy anti-inflammatory diet and activity is especially important to adopt.

Research shows “the compounds in our diet with anti-inflammatory activity could help alleviate the inflammatory processes derived from diseases and unhealthy diets, and thereby promote healthy aging.
The overwhelming amount of research on the Organic European Black Elderberry supports its medicinal use as a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory in every season because of its high level of both anthocyanin's, specifically cyanidin and flavonoids such as quercetin and rutin.
Organic Black Elderberry is a Natural Medicinal Choice to moderate heart disease, blood vessel problems, allergies, infections, chronic fatigue, and arthritis.


Supplement your daily dose of this POWERful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant rich berry with seasonal organic produce and herbs from your Farmer’s Market’s to support your health.

For your convenience make sure to take The POWER of Elderberries BITES with you  to support your health on-the-go and while travelling.

Seasonal Anti-inflammatory Foods
Walk through your farmer’s markets for these organic options



Anti-inflammatory Lifestyle Activities to Consider

Studies show that both acute and chronic stress causes an inflammatory response in the body.
Below are considerations for activities that may support a healthy lifestyle with respect to decreasing inflammation through modulating daily stressors.


    • Adopt a mindfulness practice  
    • Eliminate screen time
    • Take steps to improve quality of sleep  
    • Commit to regular gentle exercise such as daily walks
    • Try diaphragmatic breathing techniques
    • Increase water intake
    • Take advantage of nature include outdoor activity


Pro Inflammatory Foods & Activities to Consider Limiting or Avoiding


Helpful Tip

While it is preferable to eat only wholefoods and completely restrict the intake of pro inflammatory foods and food additives it is best to adopt a healthy lifestyle that doesn't feel restrictive and that includes a diversity of abundant wholefoods, fruits and vegetables, leafy greens and herbs in combination with enjoyable activity.

Take one week at a time to add one new group of wholefoods or herbs to your diet along with one new stress reducing activity.

For example, you may choose to increase citrus fruits and add berries into your diet in a fun way one week including orange slices with breakfast, a squeeze of lemon or lime in your water or berries to your dessert. Simultaneously you may choose to work on a healthier bedtime and quality sleep.

One step at a time is the best way to make a considerable improvement in your health. 


Visit us at our pop up markets along the Grand Strand and Myrtle Beach, SC during the market season.