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Expert Advice

Wellness Advice

Holistic Health Doctors and Nurses


Nutritionists And Health Coaches


Spa & Massage Therapist



Wellness Advice

  1. Immune Support
    "Healthy immune support can be directly associated with gut health wellness. Our microbiome is a plethora of immune support with good gut bacteria known as commensal bacteria. Ongoing data continues to support the relationship between a healthy immune system and the microbiota."
    -Deborah Manke, HNP, IFMCP, ANP-BC, APHN-BC, ADS Holistic Nurse Practitioner 
  2. Sleep
    "Sleep can heal the body of almost any malady. Better the sleep of an insomniac and you are 50% better already. We give our sleep hygiene handouts and are aggressive with working folks up for central and obstructive sleep apnea (home sleep study tests (HSS))"
    -Dr. Saleeby, MD, CTPMedical Director Carolina Holistic Medicine 

    "More studies than ever before show the benefits of good quality uninterrupted sleep for longevity, long term quality of life. Aim for 7-8 hrs quality sleep nightly!" 
    -Deborah Manke, HNP, IFMCP, ANP-BC, APHN-BC, ADS Holistic Nurse Practitioner

    "Sleep is crucial for maintaining good health as it allows the body to heal and recharge. A lack of sleep or disrupted sleep has been linked to numerous health problems, including an increased risk of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, stroke, cancer, mood disorders, anxiety, and depression. Insufficient sleep triggers a stress response in the body and increases cortisol levels, which is a stress hormone that plays a crucial role in regulating the immune system. Studies reveal that over 40% of individuals who received regular adjustments reported experiencing improved sleep. Reducing exposure to blue light after sunset can help prepare your body for bedtime. You can wear color therapy glasses or switch to orange-tinted glasses to block blue light emitted by electronic devices such as TV or cell phones. This can aid in improving the quality of your sleep."
    -Dr. Ritchie & Dr. Buffkin DC 
    Chiropractic Center for Families
  3. Inflammation
    "Inflammation is not just a ''hot elbow'' after bashing it in a door frame; it can be unrecognized. There are hundreds of inflammatory markers (tests that detect inflammation in the body)."
    -Dr. Saleeby shares the following tests to detect inflammation and treat it from there. Fibrinogen, CRP, LpPLA2, MPO, IL6, IL2 and many others. Visit Carolina Holstic Medicine to learn more about detecting inflammation in the body and proper treatment. 

    "Inflammation in the body most often is a sign of imbalance as the body compensates for "this fire within". Very low levels of inflammation can be normal. When we have body aches/pains and complaints and work to address the root cause of the complaint, we are addressing an inflammatory process most often."
    -Deborah Manke, HNP, IFMCP, ANP-BC, APHN-BC, ADS Holistic Nurse Practitioner 
  4. Nutrition
    "Proper nutrition: plenty of veggies and fruit daily; fiber is key; drinking filtered water according to one's body size." 
    --Deborah Manke, HNP, IFMCP, ANP-BC, APHN-BC, ADS Holistic Nurse Practitioner

    "Eating a diet rich in prebiotics keeps your digestive system healthy, which is important for proper detoxification and immune health. You can also enhance your body’s natural detoxification system and improve your overall health by staying hydrated, consuming less salt, staying active, and following an antioxidant-rich diet. The berries and flowers of elderberry are packed with antioxidants and vitamins that may boost your immune system. They could help tame inflammation, lessen stress, and help protect your heart health."
    --Fabiola Johnson, Owner of Salt and Detox Oasis

    "Food sensitivities and intolerances create inflammation that starts in the gut and spreads all over the body. Eating the right foods for a healthy gut is actually a great step to reducing pain."  
  5. Healthy Kids

    The POWER of Elderberries® encourages happy healthy smiles ages 1 to 100! Children of all ages appreciate the delicious taste of our signature elderberry liquid and bites for immune support. We asked asked our holsitic partners that recommend The P.O.E their advice and tips on how to support children have a happy, healthy school year. Here is what they shared:  

    "DON'T isolate your child from the world around them. In other words do not put your kid in a bubble. Allow them to be exposed to bugs, dirt, microbes and parasites and viruses too. They will develop a good hearty natural immune system. They will be less likely to develop autoimmune diseases and asthma, food allergies and also will be better able to fight off infections."
    -Dr. Saleeby, MD, CTPMedical Director Carolina Holistic Medicine 

    "Our children's health and wellbeing is vital to a happy and productive school year! Eating 6-9 servings of fresh veggies/fruits, drinking plenty of filtered water, getting outside in the fresh air daily, having movement, taking breaks from electronic gadgets and providing bedtime rituals establishing 7-9 hrs of good quality sleep are all keys to a focused school year." 
    -Deborah Manke, HNP, IFMCP, ANP-BC, APHN-BC, ADS Holistic Nurse Practitioner

    "Keep an eye on the weight of your child's backpack when heading back to school. One that's over 10-20% of their weight can have negative effects on your child's developing spine and can contribute to poor posture and back pain."  
  6. Healthy Aging
    "Healthy aging is what most of us are aiming for regardless of age! What we eat, how we move, how we sleep, what we think about and even what we say/do impacts our aging plus day-to-day wellness."
    -Deborah Manke, HNP, IFMCP, ANP-BC, APHN-BC, ADS Holistic Nurse Practitioner 
  7. The Big Picture
    We know how important having a supportive community of friends and family is to our health journey. We asked our referring holistic partners to share how they've seen this play out in their patient's lives. Here is what they shared:  

    "By establishing [relationships with the holistic community we can not only educate one another on some of the most effective products and tools, we also support local which is vital to holistic community sustainability. From our experience, holistic care in one's health journey creates sustainability for wellness in many aspects. We are not parts and pieces that are unwell, we are a whole and holistic health care focuses on total body wellness to achieve one's complete health journey."  
    --Deborah Manke, HNP, IFMCP, ANP-BC, APHN-BC, ADS Holistic Nurse Practitioner 

    "Many women want to know how they can have the best birth possible. The triad of success is nutrition and exercise, good support from family and mutual trust in your care team. These three foundational factors are mostly in your control! The BEST insurance for a happy, healthy outcome really is up to you, eating well and resting enough while you make a birth plan with confidence."   
    --Audrey Trepiccione, CPM, LM Oceanside Midwives, LLC

    "As an Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist I know for sure the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Eating good wholesome seasonally fresh foods and drinking plenty fresh water, mindful movement such as yoga and walking, finding time each day to sit in reflective stillness and gratitude, getting out and basking in the beauty of nature, as well as healthy emotions and open communication are all ways to support the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. These benefits include abundant energy and better sleep, improved memory and clarity of mind, healthy relationships and loving heart and of course good digestion and strong immune system. Sprinkle in being an active part of a loving community creates the prefect ingredients for a long, happy life and healthy aging."  

    --Maribeth MacKenzie, Owner of Inlet Yoga
  8. Brain Health
    "The prefrontal cortex is widely regarded as the center of our intelligence. It is responsible for numerous important brain functions, including executive functions, emotional control, mental health, and pain sensations. Additionally, it plays a key role in regulating our body's functions, such as immunity, heart rate, digestion, and breathing. However, stress can negatively impact the prefrontal cortex's control over our autonomic nervous system, endocrine system, and immune system, leading to chronic inflammation. Chiropractic adjustments can alter the functioning of the prefrontal cortex by changing the way our spine moves. This could explain why many patients who receive chiropractic care report feeling less stressed, sleeping better, and enjoying better relationships with others. The Cerebellum plays a crucial role in maintaining balance and coordinating movements accurately. It also plays a significant part in other cognitive activities such as language, attention, and emotional responses. The cerebellum is vital in performing everyday tasks like walking, reading, and writing. It helps in maintaining balance and coordination. The cerebellum doesn't initiate movement but facilitates the coordination, precision, and timing of movements. Studies have shown that the cerebellum is essential for learning new skills and movements. Researchers have used electroencephalography to measure brain waves and demonstrated that spinal adjustments can affect the way the cerebellum processes sensory information. These studies indicate that spinal issues can affect the way the cerebellum perceives body posture, movement, and coordination, even if there is no pain. So, if you are trying to learn a musical instrument, sport, struggling to read or write, find you are clumsy, trip over your own feet, hit your elbow in doorways, or trip over your own feet, hit your elbow in doorways, or trip over your own feet then it may be time to visit your Chiropractor!"
    -Dr. Ritchie & Dr. Buffkin DC 
    Chiropractic Center for Families

Wellness Advice

  1. Immune Support
    "Healthy immune support can be directly associated with gut health wellness. Our microbiome is a plethora of immune support with good gut bacteria known as commensal bacteria. Ongoing data continues to support the relationship between a healthy immune system and the microbiota."
    -Deborah Manke, HNP, IFMCP, ANP-BC, APHN-BC, ADS Holistic Nurse Practitioner 
  2. Sleep
    "Sleep can heal the body of almost any malady. Better the sleep of an insomniac and you are 50% better already. We give our sleep hygiene handouts and are aggressive with working folks up for central and obstructive sleep apnea (home sleep study tests (HSS))"
    -Dr. Saleeby, MD, CTPMedical Director Carolina Holistic Medicine 

    "More studies than ever before show the benefits of good quality uninterrupted sleep for longevity, long term quality of life. Aim for 7-8 hrs quality sleep nightly!" 
    -Deborah Manke, HNP, IFMCP, ANP-BC, APHN-BC, ADS Holistic Nurse Practitioner

    "Sleep is crucial for maintaining good health as it allows the body to heal and recharge. A lack of sleep or disrupted sleep has been linked to numerous health problems, including an increased risk of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, stroke, cancer, mood disorders, anxiety, and depression. Insufficient sleep triggers a stress response in the body and increases cortisol levels, which is a stress hormone that plays a crucial role in regulating the immune system. Studies reveal that over 40% of individuals who received regular adjustments reported experiencing improved sleep. Reducing exposure to blue light after sunset can help prepare your body for bedtime. You can wear color therapy glasses or switch to orange-tinted glasses to block blue light emitted by electronic devices such as TV or cell phones. This can aid in improving the quality of your sleep." 
    -Dr. Ritchie & Dr. Buffkin DC 
    Chiropractic Center for Families
  3. Inflammation
    "Inflammation is not just a ''hot elbow'' after bashing it in a door frame; it can be unrecognized. There are hundreds of inflammatory markers (tests that detect inflammation in the body)."
    -Dr. Saleeby shares the following tests to detect inflammation and treat it from there. Fibrinogen, CRP, LpPLA2, MPO, IL6, IL2 and many others. Visit Carolina Holstic Medicine to learn more about detecting inflammation in the body and proper treatment. 

    "Inflammation in the body most often is a sign of imbalance as the body compensates for "this fire within". Very low levels of inflammation can be normal. When we have body aches/pains and complaints and work to address the root cause of the complaint, we are addressing an inflammatory process most often."
    -Deborah Manke, HNP, IFMCP, ANP-BC, APHN-BC, ADS Holistic Nurse Practitioner 
  4. Nutrition
    "Proper nutrition: plenty of veggies and fruit daily; fiber is key; drinking filtered water according to one's body size." 
    --Deborah Manke, HNP, IFMCP, ANP-BC, APHN-BC, ADS Holistic Nurse Practitioner

    "Eating a diet rich in prebiotics keeps your digestive system healthy, which is important for proper detoxification and immune health. You can also enhance your body’s natural detoxification system and improve your overall health by staying hydrated, consuming less salt, staying active, and following an antioxidant-rich diet. The berries and flowers of elderberry are packed with antioxidants and vitamins that may boost your immune system. They could help tame inflammation, lessen stress, and help protect your heart health."
    --Fabiola Johnson, Owner of Salt and Detox Oasis

    "Food sensitivities and intolerances create inflammation that starts in the gut and spreads all over the body. Eating the right foods for a healthy gut is actually a great step to reducing pain."  
  5. Healthy Kids

    The POWER of Elderberries® encourages happy healthy smiles ages 1 to 100! Children of all ages appreciate the delicious taste of our signature elderberry liquid and bites for immune support. We asked asked our holsitic partners that recommend The P.O.E their advice and tips on how to support children have a happy, healthy school year. Here is what they shared:  

    "DON'T isolate your child from the world around them. In other words do not put your kid in a bubble. Allow them to be exposed to bugs, dirt, microbes and parasites and viruses too. They will develop a good hearty natural immune system. They will be less likely to develop autoimmune diseases and asthma, food allergies and also will be better able to fight off infections."
    -Dr. Saleeby, MD, CTPMedical Director Carolina Holistic Medicine 

    "Our children's health and wellbeing is vital to a happy and productive school year! Eating 6-9 servings of fresh veggies/fruits, drinking plenty of filtered water, getting outside in the fresh air daily, having movement, taking breaks from electronic gadgets and providing bedtime rituals establishing 7-9 hrs of good quality sleep are all keys to a focused school year." 
    -Deborah Manke, HNP, IFMCP, ANP-BC, APHN-BC, ADS Holistic Nurse Practitioner

    "Keep an eye on the weight of your child's backpack when heading back to school. One that's over 10-20% of their weight can have negative effects on your child's developing spine and can contribute to poor posture and back pain."  
  6. Healthy Aging
    "Healthy aging is what most of us are aiming for regardless of age! What we eat, how we move, how we sleep, what we think about and even what we say/do impacts our aging plus day-to-day wellness."
    -Deborah Manke, HNP, IFMCP, ANP-BC, APHN-BC, ADS Holistic Nurse Practitioner 
  7. The Big Picture
    We know how important having a supportive community of friends and family is to our health journey. We asked our referring holistic partners to share how they've seen this play out in their patient's lives. Here is what they shared:  

    "By establishing [relationships with the holistic community we can not only educate one another on some of the most effective products and tools, we also support local which is vital to holistic community sustainability. From our experience, holistic care in one's health journey creates sustainability for wellness in many aspects. We are not parts and pieces that are unwell, we are a whole and holistic health care focuses on total body wellness to achieve one's complete health journey."  
    --Deborah Manke, HNP, IFMCP, ANP-BC, APHN-BC, ADS Holistic Nurse Practitioner 

    "Many women want to know how they can have the best birth possible. The triad of success is nutrition and exercise, good support from family and mutual trust in your care team. These three foundational factors are mostly in your control! The BEST insurance for a happy, healthy outcome really is up to you, eating well and resting enough while you make a birth plan with confidence."   
    --Audrey Trepiccione, CPM, LM Oceanside Midwives, LLC

    "As an Ayurvedic Yoga Therapist I know for sure the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Eating good wholesome seasonally fresh foods and drinking plenty fresh water, mindful movement such as yoga and walking, finding time each day to sit in reflective stillness and gratitude, getting out and basking in the beauty of nature, as well as healthy emotions and open communication are all ways to support the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. These benefits include abundant energy and better sleep, improved memory and clarity of mind, healthy relationships and loving heart and of course good digestion and strong immune system. Sprinkle in being an active part of a loving community creates the prefect ingredients for a long, happy life and healthy aging."  

    --Maribeth MacKenzie, Owner of Inlet Yoga
  8. Brain Health
    "The prefrontal cortex is widely regarded as the center of our intelligence. It is responsible for numerous important brain functions, including executive functions, emotional control, mental health, and pain sensations. Additionally, it plays a key role in regulating our body's functions, such as immunity, heart rate, digestion, and breathing. However, stress can negatively impact the prefrontal cortex's control over our autonomic nervous system, endocrine system, and immune system, leading to chronic inflammation. Chiropractic adjustments can alter the functioning of the prefrontal cortex by changing the way our spine moves. This could explain why many patients who receive chiropractic care report feeling less stressed, sleeping better, and enjoying better relationships with others. The Cerebellum plays a crucial role in maintaining balance and coordinating movements accurately. It also plays a significant part in other cognitive activities such as language, attention, and emotional responses. The cerebellum is vital in performing everyday tasks like walking, reading, and writing. It helps in maintaining balance and coordination. The cerebellum doesn't initiate movement but facilitates the coordination, precision, and timing of movements. Studies have shown that the cerebellum is essential for learning new skills and movements. Researchers have used electroencephalography to measure brain waves and demonstrated that spinal adjustments can affect the way the cerebellum processes sensory information. These studies indicate that spinal issues can affect the way the cerebellum perceives body posture, movement, and coordination, even if there is no pain. So, if you are trying to learn a musical instrument, sport, struggling to read or write, find you are clumsy, trip over your own feet, hit your elbow in doorways, or trip over your own feet, hit your elbow in doorways, or trip over your own feet then it may be time to visit your Chiropractor!" 
    -Dr. Ritchie & Dr. Buffkin DC Chiropractic Center for Families

Wellness Advice

  1. Gut Health
    "There are 10 times more bacteria/microorganisms living on/in us than there are cells in our body. We are alive and thrive because of them not in spite of them. A healthy relationship with our microbiome is critical to our overall health; mental, physical as well as emotional wellbeing. Bottom line imbalance in our microbiome = unhealthy life."
    --Dr. Bauerschmidt MD 
    Deeper Healing Medical Wellness Center

    "There is a tremendous connection between gut health and the immune system. The gut health determines the immune health as well as brain health and overall health. In my clinic one of the first things we address is gut health and digestion overall! If we eat under stress we also do not allow the body to digest properly. I tell my clients that anything can cause anything, but if we do not digest well we will not assimilate our nutrition or eliminate properly. This will and can lead to a lack of mental clarity, weight gain, and an increase in immune deficiency related problems."
    --Karen Potter MFT and NRT Advanced Trained and Masters in Health and Nutrition Education 
    Live Well Natural Healing

    "I truly do believe "you are what you eat"! Feeding your body with heavy, processed foods loaded with artificial sweeteners, colors, etc. will confuse your digestive system on how to process it, digest it and lead to weight gain, heaviness, brain fog, fatigue and allergy responses. Fueling our bodies with an assortment of natural whole foods will boost our immunity, give us the vitamins and minerals our bodies need to perform our best physically and mentally."
    --Stacie Hamilton Owner/LMT 
    Body & Beyond Day Spa

    "The gut microbiome acts as a signaling hub that integrates environmental inputs, such as diet and lifestyle, with our genetic and metabolic pathways. Its impacts are widespread across many systems, including the immune system. Certain species of bacteria in the gut, such as Bacteroides fragilis, produce compounds that have systemic anti-inflammatory effects, impacting, metabolic health, mental health, and overall positive health outcomes."
    --Abigail King MS, CNS 
    Abigail King Functional Nutrition

    "The digestive system and the brain are connected through a complex network of nerves, primarily the vagus nerve. These nerves transmit signals from the gut to the brain and vice versa. These neurotransmitters are responsible for our mood, appetite, memory, and even pain perception, and are made mostly in the gut (80-90%), not the brain (10%). Imbalances in the gut microbiome can lead to inflammation in the digestive tract, causing gut-brain-axis dysfunction and which results in symptoms such as brain fog, depression, and anxiety. Probiotics can help by increasing the diversity of the gut microbiome, fighting off pathogens and toxins, supporting a healthy immune system, improving cognitive function, and reducing damage to the gut. Getting sunshine (UVA, UVB, infrared light) on your skin without sunblock can increase the diversity of your gut microbiome. We also love the POE to support digestion and gut health!"
    -Dr. Ritchie & Dr. Buffkin DC 
    Chiropractic Center for Families
  2. Proper Detox
    "Eliminating xenobiotics (anything that is not us) improves cellular function by increasing oxygen delivery. Oxygen allows efficient energy production which in turn provides balance in all our bodily functions. Bottom line: Reducing toxin burden = longer, healthier life."
    --Dr. Bauerschmidt MD 
    Deeper Healing Medical Wellness Center

    "I tell my clients there are two reasons we are not feeling well, lack energy or have a miriad of symptoms: We are either nutrient depleted or toxic. Most of us are both at various times in our lives and because our soils are depleted and our food supply is lacking nutrient density and our bodies are exposed to numerous toxins, we may get sick and tired and mentally and physically feel off!"
    --Karen Potter MFT and NRT Advanced Trained and Masters in Health and Nutrition Education 
    Live Well Natural Healing

    "Ridding the body with a proper detox will help the digestive system work optimally without the sluggishness and heaviness that sits in the gut. Give a detox some time thou, some unfavorable side effects could happen during a detox, especially those who have lived an unhealthy lifestyle for a long time. The increased energy, improved sleep and decrease in stress will follow."
    --Stacie Hamilton Owner/LMT 
    Body & Beyond Day Spa

    "The liver is the ultimate multitasking organ. It's responsible for the detoxification of toxins and hormones, fat digestion, metabolism, healthy circulation, cholesterol clearance, and more. Nutrition drastically impacts how hard your liver works. Because the liver has so many tasks, it can become overwhelmed when it has too much to handle and not enough cofactors (nutrients/antioxidants) to run detox pathways. A low-sugar, low-toxin diet that’s filled with high-fiber foods, and high amounts of antioxidants is crucial for supporting your liver, and therefore improving energy, sleep, and decreasing inflammation and stress in the body."
    --Abigail King MS, CNS 
    Abigail King Functional Nutrition
  3. Healthy Habits

    "Getting rid of the 3 Ps in your diet: Processed, Packaged or Preserved."
    --Dr. Bauerschmidt MD 
    Deeper Healing Medical Wellness Center

    "Changing our understanding of consuming a healthy diet and finding out what imbalances the body is struggling with through Bioenergetic Testing can dramatically improve one's health in as little as one month."
    --Karen Potter MFT and NRT Advanced Trained and Masters in Health and Nutrition Education 
    Live Well Natural Healing

    "Drinking lots of water!"
    --Stacie Hamilton Owner/LMT 
    Body & Beyond Day Spa

    "Get outside & get sunlight exposure in the morning. Exposure to natural light is a very important regulator of the brain cells that are responsible for forming the circadian rhythm, our internal body clock. It helps to regulate our hormone melatonin, which is responsible for making us sleepy at night. Full-spectrum light exposure upon waking will improve your energy, mood, and sleep quality and will have downstream effects on your hormones. The human eye contains photosensitive cells in its retina. These photosensitive cells directly affect the brain’s hypothalamus region, which controls our biological clock. This influences our circadian rhythm, important for normal sleep patterns, hormone regulation & adrenal function. All you need is 10 minutes and it's best to practice without sunglasses or contacts to receive the most benefit."
    --Abigail King MS, CNS 
    Abigail King Functional Nutrition
  4. Heart Health
    "A heart healthy diet is one consisting of whole, nutrient dense, natural food from a variety of sources. Avoid the low-fat craze....and consume healthy fats while avoiding seed oils such as canola and safflower and soy oil. Consume real butter and avocados and inlcude healthy fats such as high quality fish oils, olive oil, butter, ghee, coconut and coconut oil which are so important for cardiovascular health and brain health. (Many of the foods we were told to avoid...are actually healhty! Like butter!) I like to include wild fish, grass fed meats, green vegetable such as kale, chard and broccoli along with other vegetables and some organic fruits. A balanced diet along with moderate exercise such as walking, biking, swimming, yoga or whatever you like also aids your overall health! Staying active, not eating while you watch TV or work on your computer...but allow yourself to eat in a more relaxed atmospher actually promotes better digestion! Also, avoid consuming a lot of processed or fast foods....which actually reduces our overall health and wellness. And lastly, watch out for sugar and all the sugar substitutes, which are hidden in many foods adding empty calories along with compromising blood sugar regulation and can contribute to unnecessary weight gain and compromise a healthy heart!" 
    --Karen Potter MFT and NRT Advanced Trained and Masters in Health and Nutrition Education Live Well Natural Healing 

    "Do not deprive yourself of food to try and lose weight. Eat healthy choices throughout the day from all food groups to keep our bodies fueled, focused and blood sugar levels even. Also, with the colder months coming in, get outside even if its just for a quick walk. It is known to help ground us with nature and produce the feel good hormones we need to stay happy and healthy!" 
    --Stacie Hamilton Owner/LMT Body & Beyond Day Spa 

    "Exercise and nutrition can drastically impact your heart health and decrease your risk for coronary heart disease, which is currently the leading cause of death among adults in the U.S. I recommend at least 30 minutes of exercise daily. This can be in the form of brisk walking, resistance training, yoga, pilates, HIIT, cycling, swimming and more. The healthiest anti-inflammatory foods for fighting coronary heart disease are those with fiber, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. These help fight free radical damage and target the problem where it starts by lowering oxidative stress. In addition, healthy fats found in nuts, seeds, avocados, wild-caught fish and extra virgin olive oil are a part of a heart-healthy diet." 
    --Abigail King MS, CNS Abigail King Functional Nutrition 
  5. Exercise
    "As Dr. Matt always says - Motion is Lotion! Especially as we age, daily exercise and stretching is needed to keep a good range of motion in our joints and bodies pain free." 
    --Regenerate Chiropractic 

    "Energy and endurance can be a direct result of increasing movement in one's body! Exercise is another key to longevity as is overall wellness metabolically, even in the musculoskeletal system and within many biologic body system processes. Exercise: exercise a minimum of 150 min/week, nonstop exercise; get outside and move!" 
    --Deborah Manke, HNP, IFMCP, ANP-BC, APHN-BC, ADS Holistic Nurse Practitioner 
  6. Allergies
    We asked our Holistic Partners what they would like to share about a holistic approach for the relief of seasonal allergies? Here's what they said.

    "Keep an immune system up to speed. Utilize Natural H1 blockers such as Quercetin and Vitamin C. In addition to Elderberries it is a good combo."
    -Dr. Yusuf Saleeby MD 
    Carolina Holistic Medicine

    "When it comes to seasonal allergies, the immune system is where its at! The POWER of Elderberries® uses a powerful formulation to enhance the immune system. Not only does it have the highest dosage of true Black European Elderberries, you also get an amazing extra boost with RAW local honey! As doctors of Chiropractic, we know that a healthy nervous system that is functioning optimally will greatly enhance the effects of The P.O.E!"
    -Dr. Brandon Morris Chiropractor 
    North Myrtle Beach Chiropractic

    "We use Elderberry to prevent seasonal allergies and to treat the allergy symptoms. We use a proactive approach to keep the immune system elevated so allergens are less likely to affect us."
    -Dr. Chad Bone Doctor of Chiropractic 
    Align Chiropractic & Massage

    "Chiropractic care aims to help you function at your optimal potential, including the function of your immune system. Let's examine how chiropractic care might affect your immune function. Research has shown that your immune system relies on your brain and central nervous system to guide the way it responds to potential threats to your health. These two systems, your central nervous system and immune system, are closely connected, and they work together to detect and respond to anything that may harm you. Your immune system acts as a sensory system, supplying information to your brain about what is happening in your body, and your brain responds to help create an appropriate immune response. Therefore, we know that your brain and immune system communicate and cooperate to launch an effective and appropriate immune response. We also know that when your spine is not moving correctly, it affects the way your brain can sense what is happening in and around your body and the way it controls your body. If your chiropractor adjusts your spine and improves its movement, it helps your brain more accurately perceive what is happening in and around your body. This suggests that having a well-adjusted spine could affect your immune function. You can support your body in response to allergies naturally as well. We like D-Hist which is a blend of flavonoids, antioxidants, proteolytic enzymes, and botanicals designed to provide comprehensive support for seasonal allergies. Quercetin helps support healthy histamine levels. It helps stabilize mast cells which are known to cause hypersensitivity reactions. N-acetyl Cysteine promotes normal viscosity of mucus resulting in clearer airways. It also contains Stinging Nettles Leaf, Bromelain, and Vitamin C all of which help balance the inflammatory response, reduce circulating allergenic protein complexes, and powerful antioxidants. We also utilize The POWER of Elderberries® in our office for allergy support. It offers many benefits in addition to allergy support including supporting healthy joints, antioxidants, digestive support, and much more! It has anti-viral properties and antioxidants. Elderberry also contains quercetin which helps support healthy histamine levels. The diet also becomes important to support allergy response. Eliminating potential food sensitivities can reduce allergy symptoms. The ones individuals commonly have issues with include wheat (gluten), dairy, and eggs. Reducing processed foods will also decrease the inflammatory load on the body. Sticking to whole foods (meats, vegetables, and fruits) will help your body in so many ways!"
    -Dr. Ritchie & Dr. Buffkin DC 
    Chiropractic Center for Families
  7. Sugar
    "Monk Fruit or Stevia is much better than any synthetic sweeteners or carb rich sugar."
    -Dr. Yusuf Saleeby MD 
    Carolina Holistic Medicine

    "Sugar in most products these days is in the form of refined sugar, which basically means there is zero benefits. Research not only shows that this common form of sugar is actually not only highly addictive; it also shows it is highly inflammatory. Raw local non-heat treated honey is the best natural sweetener and is packed with many amazing benefits! Xylotol is a another healthier alternative."
    -Dr. Brandon Morris Chiropractor 
    North Myrtle Beach Chiropractic

    "Sugar in our diet compromises our immune response; therefore, increasing our reaction to stressors such as allergies and stress. This can cause a decreased immune response causing one to feel sicker and more run down. Sinus issues such as sneezing, post nasal drip and swollen sinuses are very common. Sugar also increases muscle and joint pain. My biggest suggestion is to eat more food that is healthy in the first half of the day. When you provide your body with the nutrients and calories it needs to run efficiently from the start, you do not crave sugar. Sugar is often a response to needing calories quickly because you're in a calorie deficit."
    -Gudrun Anna Strmic Licensed Massage Therapist & Bodyworker & Holistic Nutritionist Strmic
    The Healing Arts

    "We hardly ever recommend sweeteners to our patients. Sugar is an inflammatory food that causes the blood pH to be acidic and allows disease processes to flourish inside of our bodies. When we do recommend sweeteners it’s local honey or organic fruit."
    -Dr. Chad Bone Doctor of Chiropractic 
    Align Chiropractic & Massage

    "It is recommended that adults in America consume no more than 6 teaspoons or <100 calories of sugar per day for women and 9 teaspoons or <150 calories per day for men. The average daily sugar intake for adults in America is 22 teaspoons, which can lead to various health issues like cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes, Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, and certain cancers. You can easily substitute unhealthy sugars with healthier options like bananas and dates that have fiber benefits and can be great sugar substitutes in baking. We also like coconut sugar, stevia, monk fruit, raw honey, and manuka honey. Coconut sugar and monk fruit are glycemic-friendly sweeteners, meaning they will not cause your blood sugar to spike. Raw honey and manuka honey have additional health benefits like antioxidants, iron, zinc, and vitamin B6. It is important to read the ingredients on labels and pay attention to added sugars and which type of sugar is used. When baking, try replacing sugar with coconut sugar or monk fruit for a healthier option. With time, you won't even miss the bad sugar!"
    -Dr. Ritchie & Dr. Buffkin DC 
    Chiropractic Center for Families
  8. Joint Inflammation
    "I use Curcumin and Boswellia as a good combo for joint inflammation and a pinch of ginger too."
    -Dr. Yusuf Saleeby MD 
    Carolina Holistic Medicine

    "Motion is lotion. A healthy joint starts with healthy motion. Healthy motion is the keystone to to a properly functioning nervous system. Your nervous system is the most important system in your body as it controls every aspect of the body. POE is terrific addition to your health. MOVE WELL. EAT WELL. SLEEP WELL. THINK WELL."
    -Dr. Brandon Morris Chiropractor 
    North Myrtle Beach Chiropractic

    "Avoiding having sugar in your diet at all and keep your sodium intake to a minimum. Packaged food tends to have a more salt in it then you think. Unexpected sources are pasta sauce, salad dressings and other sauces especially Asian sauces and canned foods that are not labeled salt free. Restaurant food tends to have much more salt then when cooking at home. Look for salt free crushed tomatoes and make your own pasta sauce or mix in with a store bought to reduce the amount of sodium per serving. Use your own oil and vinegar with spices for a salad dressing and read labels to know if sugar is added into products. Packaged meats also have more sodium than needed in your diet. Swap your protein for beans to increase your fiber intake, which also supports a decrease in inflammation."
    -Gudrun Anna Strmic 
    Licensed Massage Therapist & Bodyworker & Holistic Nutritionist 
    The Healing Arts

    "The best thing you can do for arthritis is to move the joint and decrease the inflammation in the body. Motion is life and the more you move the joints the healthier they will be and the longer the joints will last. These movements could be stretching or exercise, and when those activities are not enough Chiropractic Adjustments and Laser Treatments have helped our more advanced patients receive some relief. Our patients have the best results when we combine our physical treatments with our nutritional supplements that decrease the inflammation and get the body moving."
    -Dr. Chad Bone Doctor of Chiropractic 
    Align Chiropractic & Massage

    "Pain is created in the brain, and it doesn't always reflect the severity or location of the problem. Neuroscientists have done studies that have shown chiropractic adjustments can have a positive effect on brain function, specifically on the pre-frontal cortex, which is highly involved in pain becoming chronic. This neuroplastic effect of chiropractic care may help reduce the sensation of pain by "turning down" or "switching off" the perception of pain signals in the brain. This is why getting chiropractic care early on when you have a problem can lead to better long-term outcomes and may even prevent pain from becoming chronic. Because of the neuroplastic effect on the brain chiropractors don't always adjust the exact spot where you feel pain; instead, they look for areas of your spine and body with limited mobility to adjust. Diet plays a crucial role in reducing inflammation and pain in our body. The creator of our bodies has designed foods that are best suited to fuel our bodies. If we refer to Genesis 1:26, we can see that He has given us foods from the plant kingdom, and Genesis 9:3 tells us that we can consume foods from the animal kingdom. If we keep this in mind while choosing our foods, it will simplify our nutrition. Consuming foods from the plant and animal kingdoms can help decrease inflammation and provide important nutrients like proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. If we view food as fuel, it will be easier for us to choose healthier food groups. Processed foods are inflammatory and can worsen joint pain. They should be consumed as a treat and not as a staple of our diets. There are times when therapeutic diets are necessary. The Paleo, Paleo Autoimmune diet, Low FODMAP, and keto diets can all be beneficial, as they help reduce inflammatory foods, promote healing, and reduce pain."
    -Dr. Ritchie & Dr. Buffkin DC 
    Chiropractic Center for Families

Wellness Advice

  1. Gut Health
    "There are 10 times more bacteria/microorganisms living on/in us than there are cells in our body. We are alive and thrive because of them not in spite of them. A healthy relationship with our microbiome is critical to our overall health; mental, physical as well as emotional wellbeing. Bottom line imbalance in our microbiome = unhealthy life."
    --Dr. Bauerschmidt MD 
    Deeper Healing Medical Wellness Center

    "There is a tremendous connection between gut health and the immune system. The gut health determines the immune health as well as brain health and overall health. In my clinic one of the first things we address is gut health and digestion overall! If we eat under stress we also do not allow the body to digest properly. I tell my clients that anything can cause anything, but if we do not digest well we will not assimilate our nutrition or eliminate properly. This will and can lead to a lack of mental clarity, weight gain, and an increase in immune deficiency related problems."
    --Karen Potter MFT and NRT Advanced Trained and Masters in Health and Nutrition Education 
    Live Well Natural Healing

    "I truly do believe "you are what you eat"! Feeding your body with heavy, processed foods loaded with artificial sweeteners, colors, etc. will confuse your digestive system on how to process it, digest it and lead to weight gain, heaviness, brain fog, fatigue and allergy responses. Fueling our bodies with an assortment of natural whole foods will boost our immunity, give us the vitamins and minerals our bodies need to perform our best physically and mentally."
    --Stacie Hamilton Owner/LMT 
    Body & Beyond Day Spa

    "The gut microbiome acts as a signaling hub that integrates environmental inputs, such as diet and lifestyle, with our genetic and metabolic pathways. Its impacts are widespread across many systems, including the immune system. Certain species of bacteria in the gut, such as Bacteroides fragilis, produce compounds that have systemic anti-inflammatory effects, impacting, metabolic health, mental health, and overall positive health outcomes."
    --Abigail King MS, CNS 
    Abigail King Functional Nutrition

    "The digestive system and the brain are connected through a complex network of nerves, primarily the vagus nerve. These nerves transmit signals from the gut to the brain and vice versa. These neurotransmitters are responsible for our mood, appetite, memory, and even pain perception, and are made mostly in the gut (80-90%), not the brain (10%). Imbalances in the gut microbiome can lead to inflammation in the digestive tract, causing gut-brain-axis dysfunction and which results in symptoms such as brain fog, depression, and anxiety. Probiotics can help by increasing the diversity of the gut microbiome, fighting off pathogens and toxins, supporting a healthy immune system, improving cognitive function, and reducing damage to the gut. Getting sunshine (UVA, UVB, infrared light) on your skin without sunblock can increase the diversity of your gut microbiome. We also love the POE to support digestion and gut health!" 
    -Dr. Ritchie & Dr. Buffkin DC Chiropractic Center for Families
  2. Proper Detox
    "Eliminating xenobiotics (anything that is not us) improves cellular function by increasing oxygen delivery. Oxygen allows efficient energy production which in turn provides balance in all our bodily functions. Bottom line: Reducing toxin burden = longer, healthier life."
    --Dr. Bauerschmidt MD 
    Deeper Healing Medical Wellness Center

    "I tell my clients there are two reasons we are not feeling well, lack energy or have a miriad of symptoms: We are either nutrient depleted or toxic. Most of us are both at various times in our lives and because our soils are depleted and our food supply is lacking nutrient density and our bodies are exposed to numerous toxins, we may get sick and tired and mentally and physically feel off!"
    --Karen Potter MFT and NRT Advanced Trained and Masters in Health and Nutrition Education 
    Live Well Natural Healing

    "Ridding the body with a proper detox will help the digestive system work optimally without the sluggishness and heaviness that sits in the gut. Give a detox some time thou, some unfavorable side effects could happen during a detox, especially those who have lived an unhealthy lifestyle for a long time. The increased energy, improved sleep and decrease in stress will follow."
    --Stacie Hamilton Owner/LMT 
    Body & Beyond Day Spa

    "The liver is the ultimate multitasking organ. It's responsible for the detoxification of toxins and hormones, fat digestion, metabolism, healthy circulation, cholesterol clearance, and more. Nutrition drastically impacts how hard your liver works. Because the liver has so many tasks, it can become overwhelmed when it has too much to handle and not enough cofactors (nutrients/antioxidants) to run detox pathways. A low-sugar, low-toxin diet that’s filled with high-fiber foods, and high amounts of antioxidants is crucial for supporting your liver, and therefore improving energy, sleep, and decreasing inflammation and stress in the body."
    --Abigail King MS, CNS 
    Abigail King Functional Nutrition
  3. Healthy Habits

    "Getting rid of the 3 Ps in your diet: Processed, Packaged or Preserved."
    --Dr. Bauerschmidt MD Deeper Healing Medical Wellness Center

    "Changing our understanding of consuming a healthy diet and finding out what imbalances the body is struggling with through Bioenergetic Testing can dramatically improve one's health in as little as one month."
    --Karen Potter MFT and NRT Advanced Trained and Masters in Health and Nutrition Education 
    Live Well Natural Healing

    "Drinking lots of water!"
    --Stacie Hamilton Owner/LMT 
    Body & Beyond Day Spa

    "Get outside & get sunlight exposure in the morning. Exposure to natural light is a very important regulator of the brain cells that are responsible for forming the circadian rhythm, our internal body clock. It helps to regulate our hormone melatonin, which is responsible for making us sleepy at night. Full-spectrum light exposure upon waking will improve your energy, mood, and sleep quality and will have downstream effects on your hormones. The human eye contains photosensitive cells in its retina. These photosensitive cells directly affect the brain’s hypothalamus region, which controls our biological clock. This influences our circadian rhythm, important for normal sleep patterns, hormone regulation & adrenal function. All you need is 10 minutes and it's best to practice without sunglasses or contacts to receive the most benefit."
    --Abigail King MS, CNS 
    Abigail King Functional Nutrition
  4. Heart Health
    "A heart healthy diet is one consisting of whole, nutrient dense, natural food from a variety of sources. Avoid the low-fat craze....and consume healthy fats while avoiding seed oils such as canola and safflower and soy oil. Consume real butter and avocados and inlcude healthy fats such as high quality fish oils, olive oil, butter, ghee, coconut and coconut oil which are so important for cardiovascular health and brain health. (Many of the foods we were told to avoid...are actually healhty! Like butter!) I like to include wild fish, grass fed meats, green vegetable such as kale, chard and broccoli along with other vegetables and some organic fruits. A balanced diet along with moderate exercise such as walking, biking, swimming, yoga or whatever you like also aids your overall health! Staying active, not eating while you watch TV or work on your computer...but allow yourself to eat in a more relaxed atmospher actually promotes better digestion! Also, avoid consuming a lot of processed or fast foods....which actually reduces our overall health and wellness. And lastly, watch out for sugar and all the sugar substitutes, which are hidden in many foods adding empty calories along with compromising blood sugar regulation and can contribute to unnecessary weight gain and compromise a healthy heart!" 
    --Karen Potter MFT and NRT Advanced Trained and Masters in Health and Nutrition Education Live Well Natural Healing 

    "Do not deprive yourself of food to try and lose weight. Eat healthy choices throughout the day from all food groups to keep our bodies fueled, focused and blood sugar levels even. Also, with the colder months coming in, get outside even if its just for a quick walk. It is known to help ground us with nature and produce the feel good hormones we need to stay happy and healthy!" 
    --Stacie Hamilton Owner/LMT Body & Beyond Day Spa 

    "Exercise and nutrition can drastically impact your heart health and decrease your risk for coronary heart disease, which is currently the leading cause of death among adults in the U.S. I recommend at least 30 minutes of exercise daily. This can be in the form of brisk walking, resistance training, yoga, pilates, HIIT, cycling, swimming and more. The healthiest anti-inflammatory foods for fighting coronary heart disease are those with fiber, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. These help fight free radical damage and target the problem where it starts by lowering oxidative stress. In addition, healthy fats found in nuts, seeds, avocados, wild-caught fish and extra virgin olive oil are a part of a heart-healthy diet." 
    --Abigail King MS, CNS Abigail King Functional Nutrition 
  5. Exercise
    "As Dr. Matt always says - Motion is Lotion! Especially as we age, daily exercise and stretching is needed to keep a good range of motion in our joints and bodies pain free." 
    --Regenerate Chiropractic 

    "Energy and endurance can be a direct result of increasing movement in one's body! Exercise is another key to longevity as is overall wellness metabolically, even in the musculoskeletal system and within many biologic body system processes. Exercise: exercise a minimum of 150 min/week, nonstop exercise; get outside and move!" 
    --Deborah Manke, HNP, IFMCP, ANP-BC, APHN-BC, ADS Holistic Nurse Practitioner 
  6. Allergies
    We asked our Holistic Partners what they would like to share about a holistic approach for the relief of seasonal allergies? Here's what they said. 

    "Keep an immune system up to speed. Utilize Natural H1 blockers such as Quercetin and Vitamin C. In addition to Elderberries it is a good combo." 
    -Dr. Yusuf Saleeby MD 
    Carolina Holistic Medicine 

    "When it comes to seasonal allergies, the immune system is where its at! The POWER of Elderberries® uses a powerful formulation to enhance the immune system. Not only does it have the highest dosage of true Black European Elderberries, you also get an amazing extra boost with RAW local honey! As doctors of Chiropractic, we know that a healthy nervous system that is functioning optimally will greatly enhance the effects of The P.O.E!"
    -Dr. Brandon Morris Chiropractor North Myrtle Beach Chiropractic

    "We use Elderberry to prevent seasonal allergies and to treat the allergy symptoms. We use a proactive approach to keep the immune system elevated so allergens are less likely to affect us." 
    -Dr. Chad Bone Doctor of Chiropractic 
    Align Chiropractic & Massage

    "Chiropractic care aims to help you function at your optimal potential, including the function of your immune system. Let's examine how chiropractic care might affect your immune function. Research has shown that your immune system relies on your brain and central nervous system to guide the way it responds to potential threats to your health. These two systems, your central nervous system and immune system, are closely connected, and they work together to detect and respond to anything that may harm you. Your immune system acts as a sensory system, supplying information to your brain about what is happening in your body, and your brain responds to help create an appropriate immune response. Therefore, we know that your brain and immune system communicate and cooperate to launch an effective and appropriate immune response. We also know that when your spine is not moving correctly, it affects the way your brain can sense what is happening in and around your body and the way it controls your body. If your chiropractor adjusts your spine and improves its movement, it helps your brain more accurately perceive what is happening in and around your body. This suggests that having a well-adjusted spine could affect your immune function. You can support your body in response to allergies naturally as well. We like D-Hist which is a blend of flavonoids, antioxidants, proteolytic enzymes, and botanicals designed to provide comprehensive support for seasonal allergies. Quercetin helps support healthy histamine levels. It helps stabilize mast cells which are known to cause hypersensitivity reactions. N-acetyl Cysteine promotes normal viscosity of mucus resulting in clearer airways. It also contains Stinging Nettles Leaf, Bromelain, and Vitamin C all of which help balance the inflammatory response, reduce circulating allergenic protein complexes, and powerful antioxidants. We also utilize The POWER of Elderberries® in our office for allergy support. It offers many benefits in addition to allergy support including supporting healthy joints, antioxidants, digestive support, and much more! It has anti-viral properties and antioxidants. Elderberry also contains quercetin which helps support healthy histamine levels. The diet also becomes important to support allergy response. Eliminating potential food sensitivities can reduce allergy symptoms. The ones individuals commonly have issues with include wheat (gluten), dairy, and eggs. Reducing processed foods will also decrease the inflammatory load on the body. Sticking to whole foods (meats, vegetables, and fruits) will help your body in so many ways!" 
    -Dr. Ritchie & Dr. Buffkin DC Chiropractic Center for Families
  7. Sugar
    "Monk Fruit or Stevia is much better than any synthetic sweeteners or carb rich sugar." 
    -Dr. Yusuf Saleeby MD 
    Carolina Holistic Medicine 

    "Sugar in most products these days is in the form of refined sugar, which basically means there is zero benefits. Research not only shows that this common form of sugar is actually not only highly addictive; it also shows it is highly inflammatory. Raw local non-heat treated honey is the best natural sweetener and is packed with many amazing benefits! Xylotol is a another healthier alternative." 
    -Dr. Brandon Morris Chiropractor North Myrtle Beach Chiropractic

    "Sugar in our diet compromises our immune response; therefore, increasing our reaction to stressors such as allergies and stress. This can cause a decreased immune response causing one to feel sicker and more run down. Sinus issues such as sneezing, post nasal drip and swollen sinuses are very common. Sugar also increases muscle and joint pain. My biggest suggestion is to eat more food that is healthy in the first half of the day. When you provide your body with the nutrients and calories it needs to run efficiently from the start, you do not crave sugar. Sugar is often a response to needing calories quickly because you're in a calorie deficit."
    -Gudrun Anna Strmic Licensed Massage Therapist & Bodyworker & Holistic Nutritionist Strmic 
    The Healing Arts 

    "We hardly ever recommend sweeteners to our patients. Sugar is an inflammatory food that causes the blood pH to be acidic and allows disease processes to flourish inside of our bodies. When we do recommend sweeteners it’s local honey or organic fruit." 
    -Dr. Chad Bone Doctor of Chiropractic 
    Align Chiropractic & Massage 

    "It is recommended that adults in America consume no more than 6 teaspoons or <100 calories of sugar per day for women and 9 teaspoons or <150 calories per day for men. The average daily sugar intake for adults in America is 22 teaspoons, which can lead to various health issues like cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes, Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, and certain cancers. You can easily substitute unhealthy sugars with healthier options like bananas and dates that have fiber benefits and can be great sugar substitutes in baking. We also like coconut sugar, stevia, monk fruit, raw honey, and manuka honey. Coconut sugar and monk fruit are glycemic-friendly sweeteners, meaning they will not cause your blood sugar to spike. Raw honey and manuka honey have additional health benefits like antioxidants, iron, zinc, and vitamin B6. It is important to read the ingredients on labels and pay attention to added sugars and which type of sugar is used. When baking, try replacing sugar with coconut sugar or monk fruit for a healthier option. With time, you won't even miss the bad sugar!" 
    -Dr. Ritchie & Dr. Buffkin DC Chiropractic Center for Families
  8. Joint Inflammation
    "I use Curcumin and Boswellia as a good combo for joint inflammation and a pinch of ginger too.
    -Dr. Yusuf Saleeby MD 
    Carolina Holistic Medicine 

    "Motion is lotion. A healthy joint starts with healthy motion. Healthy motion is the keystone to to a properly functioning nervous system. Your nervous system is the most important system in your body as it controls every aspect of the body. POE is terrific addition to your health. MOVE WELL. EAT WELL. SLEEP WELL. THINK WELL." 
    -Dr. Brandon Morris 
    North Myrtle Beach Chiropractic

    "Avoiding having sugar in your diet at all and keep your sodium intake to a minimum. Packaged food tends to have a more salt in it then you think. Unexpected sources are pasta sauce, salad dressings and other sauces especially Asian sauces and canned foods that are not labeled salt free. Restaurant food tends to have much more salt then when cooking at home. Look for salt free crushed tomatoes and make your own pasta sauce or mix in with a store bought to reduce the amount of sodium per serving. Use your own oil and vinegar with spices for a salad dressing and read labels to know if sugar is added into products. Packaged meats also have more sodium than needed in your diet. Swap your protein for beans to increase your fiber intake, which also supports a decrease in inflammation."
    -Gudrun Anna Strmic 
    Licensed Massage Therapist & Bodyworker & Holistic Nutritionist Strmic 
    The Healing Arts 

    "The best thing you can do for arthritis is to move the joint and decrease the inflammation in the body. Motion is life and the more you move the joints the healthier they will be and the longer the joints will last. These movements could be stretching or exercise, and when those activities are not enough Chiropractic Adjustments and Laser Treatments have helped our more advanced patients receive some relief. Our patients have the best results when we combine our physical treatments with our nutritional supplements that decrease the inflammation and get the body moving." 
    -Dr. Chad Bone 
    Doctor of Chiropractic 
    Align Chiropractic & Massage 

    "Pain is created in the brain, and it doesn't always reflect the severity or location of the problem. Neuroscientists have done studies that have shown chiropractic adjustments can have a positive effect on brain function, specifically on the pre-frontal cortex, which is highly involved in pain becoming chronic. This neuroplastic effect of chiropractic care may help reduce the sensation of pain by "turning down" or "switching off" the perception of pain signals in the brain. This is why getting chiropractic care early on when you have a problem can lead to better long-term outcomes and may even prevent pain from becoming chronic. Because of the neuroplastic effect on the brain chiropractors don't always adjust the exact spot where you feel pain; instead, they look for areas of your spine and body with limited mobility to adjust. Diet plays a crucial role in reducing inflammation and pain in our body. The creator of our bodies has designed foods that are best suited to fuel our bodies. If we refer to Genesis 1:26, we can see that He has given us foods from the plant kingdom, and Genesis 9:3 tells us that we can consume foods from the animal kingdom. If we keep this in mind while choosing our foods, it will simplify our nutrition. Consuming foods from the plant and animal kingdoms can help decrease inflammation and provide important nutrients like proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. If we view food as fuel, it will be easier for us to choose healthier food groups. Processed foods are inflammatory and can worsen joint pain. They should be consumed as a treat and not as a staple of our diets. There are times when therapeutic diets are necessary. The Paleo, Paleo Autoimmune diet, Low FODMAP, and keto diets can all be beneficial, as they help reduce inflammatory foods, promote healing, and reduce pain.
    -Dr. Ritchie & Dr. Buffkin DC Chiropractic Center for Families