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The Asthma and Allergy Association of America reported in 2018 that 24 million people in the U.S. were diagnosed with seasonal allergies. With a growing number of individuals looking for natural alternatives to manage symptoms associated with allergies, Elderberry is one choice receiving increasing attention.

A runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, itching, and watery, red, or swollen eyes are all hallmark signs of seasonal allergic rhinitis, an overreaction of the immune system due to foreign substances. Seasonal allergic rhinitis, commonly referred to as hay fever, involves pollen from trees, grass, weeds, and molds and can last 4 to 8 weeks. Allergens from pets can also cause symptoms when an individual is exposed to a specific animal for a brief period. Allergens from house dust can cause year-round symptoms and are referred to as perennial allergic rhinitis. Allergies result in inflammation in our skin, sinuses, airways, and digestive system.
Symptoms can be burdensome and while few mimic the common cold, the runny nose, watery eyes, and less common cough are undesirable symptoms of both allergies and the cold. Onset, duration, and time of year also play factors in determining whether symptoms are consistent with seasonal allergies or the common cold.

The medicinal use of herbs has been reported as early as 2800 BC. In 400 BC The ancient Greek Hippocrates, known as the father of medicine, referred to Elderberry as “Nature’s Medicine Chest” and while the elderberry has received increasing popularity for its anti-viral properties and antioxidants it is often overlooked for its ability to modulate inflammation and symptoms associated with allergies.
While there remain limited studies on the antiallergic properties of Sambucus nigra extracts a small study found the prevalence of elderberry as an herbal treatment for the relief of allergic rhinitis. The study demonstrated a high percentage of patients in Turkey that used Elderberry, experienced relief from the symptoms of allergic rhinitis.
Marvin McKinney
Founder & CEO

Research shows elderberry to be rich in the flavonoid quercetin which modulates inflammation and has an antihistamine effect. As a result, Quercetin may play part in elderberry’s ability to reduce symptoms of allergies including runny nose and watery eyes.
Based on the available evidence in combination with the research that supports the use of elderberry for a healthy immune system and to calm inflammation, the elderberry is gaining attention as an alternative treatment for the relief of symptoms associated with seasonal allergies.
With the wide availability of Elderberry syrup products, it can be difficult for consumers to determine what is the most effective and safe choice of elderberry supplementation. Elderberry jams, syrups, gummies, liquids, and tinctures are available online, in stores, or in groceries. DIY kits and recipes also promote making elderberry syrup at home as a natural alternative to the relief of seasonal allergies, colds or flu.
Additionally, Elderberry is found infused in herbal teas and available by national OTC brands.
Marvin McKinney
Founder & CEO

The P.O.E Difference
The POWER of Elderberries enjoys helping consumers make a confident decision in their choice of elderberry supplements by offering a premium choice of Elderberry syrup formula, recommended by holistic practitioners for both safe and effective supplementation using the highest quality of ingredients and standard of processing.
Learn What Makes Our Signature Elderberry Products Different

Helpful Tips
✔️Avoid touching or rubbing your nose.
✔️ Remember to wash your hands often with soap and water.
✔️ Wear sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat to reduce pollen getting into your eyes.
✔️ Take a shower after being outdoors during the pollen season, making sure to wash your hair
✔️ Remember to wash your hands often with soap and water.
✔️ Wear sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat to reduce pollen getting into your eyes.
✔️ Take a shower after being outdoors during the pollen season, making sure to wash your hair

Bathe your baby 3-5 minutes
✔️ Consider using a vacuum with a filter certified for asthma and allergies to reduce allergen exposure while vacuuming.
✔️ Wash your bed linens and pillowcases in hot water and detergent to reduce allergens.
✔️ Use dust-mite-proof covers for pillows, comforters, duvets, mattresses, and box springs.

Gently wipe off with a towel
✔️ Keep pets out of the bedroom to reduce pet dander allergens they may carry from outside into your bedding.
✔️ Keep windows closed during high pollen and mold seasons.
✔️ Use certified asthma and allergy-friendly filter for your air conditioner in your car and home.
✔️ Keep windows closed during high pollen and mold seasons.
✔️ Use certified asthma and allergy-friendly filter for your air conditioner in your car and home.

Home Therapy
Try a saline rinse to wash out your nose. This can help get rid of pollen that sits in your nasal passages.
Nutritional-rich foods, Healing Herbs & Spices

Include Quercetin-rich foods in your diet especially when you are susceptible to seasonal allergies.
Quercetin-rich foods include vegetables such as Kale, onions, spinach, broccoli, and asparagus and fruits including oranges, grapefruit, strawberries, and kiwis. Quercetin-rich berries include blueberries, cherries, cranberries, apples, and elderberries.

Herbs & Spices
Add a variety of herbs and spices to your dishes and recipes as well.
Try including Ginger, Mint, Rosemary, Garlic and others found to help clear sinuses and act as an anti-inflammatory or support respiratory health.

Honey behaves as a cough suppressant as well.
Taking local raw honey can help with seasonal allergies.
Read more about Honey here >
Please note we recommend consulting your practitioner before changing your diet and making sure that certain foods do not interfere with your medications. Please consult your doctor. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.