As we transition from the holiday season into the New Year, we want to partner with our loyal customers and all those new to The POWER of Elderberries to be your daily encouragement to commit to a Healthy New Year’s Resolution, a daily “firm decision,” that promotes a healthy lifestyle.
We believe in arriving at our Healthy New Year Resolution by making daily consistent choices in alignment with our desired results. If we make the optimal choice enough times, it becomes a habit, and a good habit produces a good result.
Rather than trying to make a firm decision or resolution to consistently make the healthiest choice in all areas of our life and overwhelming ourselves with all the things, The POWER of Elderberries advocates for choosing just ONE daily “firm decision” at a time, ONE, very specific, “resolution”.
That is why we invite you to partner with us this new year for a special NEW YEAR, HEALTHY YOU event. We hope you join us because as your Partner, we have something special for you to kick off making a healthy resolution a daily habit!
We have a beautiful NEW YEAR HEALTHY YOU event downloadable for the entire month of January to set you up for success all year long. And starting January 9th our Founder and CEO Jessica Lowery will share a special message for extra accountability across our social media channels.
As your NEW YEAR HEALTHY YOU partner, we will encourage you to commit to one simple and positive resolution to focus on this month that will help you set a foundation for a healthier year, all year!